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African Peoples' Contributions to World Civilizations:
Shattering the Myths-Vol. 1

by Dr. Paul L. Hamilton
  21st Century African Renaissance  
  What would happen if we redesigned our schools with the intention of producing competent, aware African people who are world leaders? ...

  What would happen if we made a strong unifies Africa our prime international concern? ...  
  What would happen if we reeducated our teenagers about marriage, families, and group responsibilities? ...  

... There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large
segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; ...
M. L. King


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Mexico circa 1000 B.C. - 700 B.C.


There is overwhelming evidence that African people came to America before Columbus.


Paul L. Hamilton, Ed. D.


Paul L. Hamilton, Ed. D. is a Denver educator, consultant, businessman, personal coach, and community organizer. As a former principal and teacher, he has experience at all levels of education -- from university to preschool. Since 1975, Dr. Hamilton has been in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who Among Black Americans. His book, African People's Contributions to World Civilizations: Shattering the Myths Vol. 1, is used in colleges, high schools, and middle schools.

His firms, Critical Thinking Skills Institute and Hamilton Education Consultants, offer services on “The 7 Steps of Critical Thinking”, a wide range of educational topics on curriculum development and teaching techniques, personal coaching, success strategies, and African-American history. An accomplished lecturer, he presents workshops and lectures across the nation. Dr. Hamilton’s workshops and lectures are designed to empower participants to gain knowledge and skills, to take effective action, and to feel more successful.

Recently, he was a business consultant for a Rochester New York health facility and currently serves as Executive Consultant and Advisory Board member for People Skills Institute. Dr. Hamilton was twice elected to the Colorado State Legislature, directed Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Denver PUSH-EXCEL program, and organized over 330 Denver African Americans in the Power Learning System.



Hamilton Education Consultants, LLC
2811 Vine Street
Denver, CO 80205


Visit: Thinking Skills Institute, LLC

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